The getDigital Lootbox and the end of Lootraider

When designing the box, it was clear to us that we wanted to deliver just as cool merch and just as cool shirts as Lootraider and other boxes, but we also wanted to be a bit different: Of course, as getDigital we already have quite a few in-house developments that are only available from us anyway, but that alone is not enough for us. We have also decided to always have something nerdy to do or puzzle about in every box and there will always be a special sweet and something to read in every box. The sweets will either come from abroad or be things that you won't find in every supermarket. The reading material will either be newspapers such as ct or "Retro Gamer" or sometimes a comic. In addition, we have decided to always pack 10 (!) different items in each box. As we don't want to be more expensive than Lootraider was or comparable boxes are, this is of course quite a challenge: the quality of the products has to be just as high as you know it from the store and that's why we really have to calculate extremely hard every month. Of course, it's also very important that we don't include anything that has already been in a Lootraider box! If you want to know what exactly has been in the boxes so far, you can find out on our Lootbox page detailed lists.
Of course, many Youtubers have already tested the box :) If you also have a channel and would like to test the box, get in touch with Bastian at Maybe we can organize something :) In any case, here are the previous unboxings in a YouTube playlist. Click through:
The box is mainly built by Bastian and Mirco: Mirco works in purchasing and does his best to get cool merch every month. Our suppliers are sometimes quite annoyed when we ask for lower prices ;) Bastian makes sure that the box is coherent overall and also takes care of marketing and everything else that has to do with the box, such as designing the flyer that comes in every box and explains the products. Of course, all other colleagues also work on the box: David and Julian in customer service and the warehouse is also very busy every month when the box has to be sent out. The last few months in particular have often been really stressful: It was never quite clear what was really going to happen with Lootraider and, above all, when, which is why we never knew how many boxes we would have to send out this month. As you can imagine, this made planning in purchasing and the warehouse quite complicated...
Incidentally, our designer and comic artist Stanislav has drawn a unicorn lady and her Cthulhu friend as the mascot for the box. Yes, of course it's not the real Cthulhu, he's still asleep and would probably just destroy us instead of subscribing to our box, but who says there aren't any nice Cthulhu creatures? At least we have them now! On the flyer for each box, you'll see the two of them trying out the box, and they also appear again and again in the pictures for the box.
So, enough said. In any case, we would be very happy if you subscribe to the box. If you have any questions, just post them here :)