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Easter puzzle 2024 - solutions & more!

The Easter puzzle 2024 "The journey to Babylon" has been solved after more than six weeks of smoking brain cells. And for the first time, the winners are the same as last year: a small puzzle group from Bavaria was the first to solve the last question for the second time in a row and won the 250€ voucher voucher.

Even though there were some technical problems in the first 2-3 days, the puzzle went very well overall this year. Every week we gave tips in our newsletters on the questions that most participants were stuck on. And our puzzle master Paul was available the whole time in the Disqus forum to answer all kinds of questions - even if not every answer turned out the way we had hoped ;)

In the meantime, all prizes have been drawn and all winners notified.

And if you'd like to know exactly how to solve the questions, then take a look at Paul's detailed answers. complete solution to the 2024 Easter puzzle!

If you have any suggestions, praise or criticism about the 2024 puzzle, we would be delighted to receive any comments here on the blog.

We would like to thank you and all participants and hope to be able to entertain you again next year with our Easter puzzle. :)

Your getDigital puzzle team

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