The NDR was with us: The nerd as outsider?
We already have some experience with television: We've already been on RTL Nachtjournal and the North German local television ("NDR Fernsehen") has even already filmed here several times. A few days ago the NDR was here again :) This time for the program "Schleswig-Holstein 18 Uhr". This is very local, but we are always very happy about it, because such a shoot is simply a lot of fun and of course the advertising for us is also quite nice when broadcasting in only one small federal state (even if the public broadcasters are rarely or not really allowed to say which company they are actually with). This year's topic "The Nerd: From outsider to digital rock star" sounded a bit strange, but our experiences with television have always been very positive and we've never had anything like "RTL at Gamescom". So we were happy to accept. On the day of filming, we were visited by the presenter, the cameraman and an assistant. The presenter and my namesake Philipp Jeß was pretty crazy and felt like he was jumping around almost half the time :) Of course, as always, we put together a few "funny" scenes for TV, this time a fight with a few Nerf guns, which we of course have lying around here and, as almost always, a fight with our Force FX lightsabers. We were also allowed to present some of our products. Everyone was very nice and happy to be there, but it was also noticeable that the presenter Philipp wanted to convey a certain image of the nerd: Namely that of the former outsider who is now popular because technology has become so important. He certainly didn't mean that in a bad way and of course there is some truth in the prejudice, but not all nerds used to be unpopular and, as always, it's worth differentiating. It also made me feel a bit backed into a corner, because if you keep asking questions along these lines, you're bound to get corresponding statements... Later, NDR filmed at a barcamp in Lübeck (Kiel's neighboring city), but we weren't there. There were some more blatant statements about outsiders. Nevertheless, I don't think Philipp's aim was to make nerds look bad. He just had a certain image in his head and that's probably what he wanted to convey. But it's best to see for yourself:
Of course, we also took a few pictures so that you can see what it looked like during the shoot:

What do you think of the clip? Do you think that nerds are portrayed too negatively?