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Results of our customer survey

A few weeks ago, we asked you various questions in a customer survey. Some of you asked us to publish the results and, of course, your wish is our command! Let's go:

1. what nerdy "uber-topics" are you interested in?

The science fiction and science categories interest you the most, while anime, manga & manhwa arouse the least interest. Topics such as superheroes, math & physics and programming are in the middle.

2. which era do you feel most at home in? When do most of your interests stem from?
The 90s arouse the most interest in you, followed by the 80s or earlier. The 2000s and 2010s are in the middle, while the era from 2020 onwards arouses the least interest. Many of you find the 90s to be "just your time", while the 80s also evoke a lot of nostalgia.
3. which nerdy items are you most interested in?
You are most interested in gadgets & gizmos, merchandise and nerd shirts. Many of you also find practical household items exciting. Collectible and action figures as well as mechanical keyboards, on the other hand, are of less interest to you.
4. how old are you?
The majority of you are between 35 and 44 years old. This is followed by the 45 to 54 age group and then the 25 to 34 age group. Only one person is under 18.
5. what gender are you?
The majority of you, 53%, are male, while 44% are female. 2 people identify as non-binary.
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