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Application as prompter for the Geekolaus

This year, as Geekolaus, I not only had the pleasure of unwrapping and admiring your parcels, I was even able to share this pleasure with you live! I unpacked all the parcels you sent us live and hung them on our trees. In fact, there will be one last live unboxing today at 5pm. Have a look at our live stream to check it out. As you have always diligently participated in the stream via chat comments, it was difficult at times to concentrate on all the comments and the unboxing. Psychokeks has also recognized this problem and sent us an application that must be taken very seriously. Unfortunately, she hasn't shown up for her shifts yet, but I'm sure she will! As the application has caused us quite a bit of amusement, we don't want to withhold it from you.

Unsolicited application


prompter for the Geekolaus 2018

 I hereby submit my unsolicited application for the open prompter position in your lifestream, as I have nothing more meaningful to do. I became aware of the job offer through myself, as I noticed the lack of interaction with the comments during the lifestream. That's when I had the inspiration! A prompter or prompter's assistant would certainly ease this situation by sitting or standing in a prompter's box, invisible to the audience, and giving the streamer the valuable comments of the Internet fan community. suffling and everyone would be happy. I first became aware of the job description in the Lucky Luke comic "Sarah Bernhardt". They even had a prompter on the ship! Because I think it's quite funny, it's a great job. I'm good at interrupting other people and interrupting their flow of speech. You could say that's one of my passions, alongside finding the perfect gin and reworking Call of Cthulhu pen and paper adventures.  
My qualifications: I think I studied at some point, something to do with atoms. I have a certificate of competence according to § 5 Chemicals Prohibition Ordinance and, in addition to my prompter work, I could assess whether the cookies are really safe for the streamer. Besides, as long as I have something to eat and it's warm, I'm very nice and friendly. That's why I think I'm a more than superfluous addition to your team.  
This application is a joke and is not meant seriously. If it is not amusing, I apologize! Similarities with real people are purely coincidental, ask your doctor or pharmacist and 4.5 Be With You. Thanks for your great stream and awesome geekolaus promotion!!! Greetings from Ravenloft (D&D 3.5), Yours Emminently "Psycho Cookie" by Delacre* *sneak ad About the cookies: little fun fact! What I learned in my time as a student (from others, of course): If there is a lot of chocolate in the cookies, you can't necessarily judge from the taste whether there might be another, possibly undesirable, illegal in Germany ingredient inside.
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