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Save our sweets: Box worth €10 for just €0.95.
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Our experience with the Lootbox so far

Our Lootbox has been available in a small version since the beginning of the year, but only in the last 3 months have we really advertised the box on a large scale. We also made an agreement with Lootraider that they would recommend us as a successor to their box, so we have been able to significantly increase the number of subscribers since then. The time before that was basically just a test phase for us and it only really started 3 months ago. That's why a lot of the box is still new territory for us.

The challenges of a subscription box are completely different to those of an online store: one problem, for example, is the availability of goods. When you order a product from our store, we already have the goods in stock, which means that if there is a problem with the production of a product, we simply put the item online a little later, no big problem. With the Lootbox, however, we have to have all the goods here at a certain point in the month. We can't order months in advance because we don't know how many subscribers there will be. That's why we try to order as late as possible, but still have enough time to replace the item if something goes wrong. Of course, this is not possible with every supplier: Some suppliers have very long delivery times, sometimes several months, so we sometimes have to estimate much earlier how many subscribers we are likely to have (and accordingly sometimes order too much or too little).

It gets even more complicated when we develop an item especially for the Lootbox. This month we developed the Geek Wings (the planes for the paper airplane launch pad) ourselves and everything that could go wrong did go wrong: First, our designer fell ill, so we finished the designs much later than planned. Then the print shop overlooked something and the print was unusable. In the end, after many phone calls, we managed to get the item delivered to us on September 15 (i.e. on the day of dispatch itself!) and that involved a lot of begging and express delivery... But the loot boxes had to be shipped on the same day! Of course, that's almost impossible with around 1500 boxes, but we still managed it with all our might :)

In the end, we were really proud that everything worked out on time. That's why we recorded the festive moment of the collection on video:

In the meantime, we are already hard at work organizing the contents of the October box. The October box will once again contain items that we produce especially for the box, this time even more elaborately than in the September box. This time we are also planning even more generously than in September, so hopefully everything will run smoothly. The October box will be really cool anyway, we're really excited about the contents ourselves. Keep your fingers crossed that it goes without a hitch this time :) You can order the October box here.
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