Living and sleeping items from Harry Potter
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, How Lovely are your… Harry Potter decorations?!This must be Dobby’s doing. Since he decorated the Room of Requi...
View full detailsEven though you are well over eleven, you are still eagerly awaiting the letter to Hogwarts. You just don't want to accept that you will remain a s...
View full detailsAmong wizards and witches, the creation of a Horcrux is seen as the ultimate sin. After all, a Horcrux allows the creator to split up their soul an...
View full detailsA Niffler, like the one Newt Scamander has, is a cheeky little creature, about the size of a cat, with the appearance of a mole. Despite its incred...
View full detailsHarry Potter's school days and adventures take place in the 1990s, yet the entire magical world seems as if it were stuck in the 19th century. This...
View full detailsSpeak friend and enter! Hmm, for some reason, that didn't work. Maybe you made a mistake while deciphering the runes on your front door. Well, you ...
View full detailsCute, a little fluffy and quite greedy, the Nifflers from “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” are usually found near anything shiny. Which is...
View full detailsThere is probably not one Harry Potter fan who doesn’t dream of visiting Hogwarts one day. Preferably, of course, as a student, to learn wizardry t...
View full detailsThe basilisk that lies in wait for Harry in the Chamber of Secrets is one of the most terrifying creatures in the magical world. A single glance ki...
View full detailsIn addition to the exciting story, Potterheads also accompany us the impressive pictures from the films for a lifetime. You have brought the many m...
View full detailsIf only the platform sign for platform 9 ¾ was visible at King's Cross station in London, nothing would stand in the way of your journey to Hogwart...
View full detailsWhat for some people are fantastic stories that have sprung from the brains of talented authors are for other people a reflection of reality. With ...
View full detailsAnyone who thinks that witches and wizards never go on long journeys is mistaken. Unlike us Muggles, they can use quick alternatives such as floo p...
View full detailsIf you have finally managed to get hold of a letter of acceptance to Hogwarts, you will first get a shopping list as long as your arm. Of course, y...
View full detailsAt some point in your adult life, you will probably (like all of us) have come to the sad realisation that you will never get to Hogwarts. Neverthe...
View full detailsFinally you get to go to Hogwarts! What a surprise! But as excited as we are, we shouldn’t forget to do the shopping beforehand. This is particular...
View full detailsWho had the cruel idea to call the trusty guardian of Gryffindor's common room "The Fat Lady"? Admittedly, the good woman has a few more pounds on ...
View full detailsNerds are known to tend towards introversion. This also means that spontaneous visitors can very quickly cause panic and sweating. With the Harry P...
View full detailsAs always, when we get a hankering for the world of witches and wizards, we should remember how dangerous it actually is. As Muggles, we are unlike...
View full detailsIn our shop you will find everything a nerd's heart desires - and a few things more. We also like to develop products ourselves that don't yet exis...
View full detailsGringotts is anything but a ordinary bank and harbours many a secret. Fans of the story of Harry Potter will remember many a speedy journey through...
View full detailsI'm sure you're wondering whether it's a good idea to bring a Niffler into the house. Both Hagrid and Newt Scamander would strongly advise against ...
View full detailsEver wondered how witches and wizards live in other parts of the world and in other times? Then find the answer in the “Fantastic Beasts” films!In ...
View full detailsEvery British wizard and witch knows Diagon Alley and Hogwarts. Both places have a long tradition in the wizarding world, going back hundreds of ye...
View full detailsDo your thoughts sometimes take you back to the 90s, the heyday of video cassettes? Although the first Harry Potter film wasn't released in cinemas...
View full detailsHarry Potter is undoubtedly a hero among both wizards and fans. But like any true hero, he had to overcome some lows in his career. Although Dumble...
View full detailsAnyone can wave a magic wand back and forth. The high art of magic is brewing effective potions. At least that's what Severus Snape would say, and ...
View full detailsBrewing a magic potion is quite likely the single most complex thing a wizard or witch can do in the Harry Potter universe. Just one wrong ingredie...
View full detailsThe Chamber of Secrets was well hidden in Hogwarts for over a thousand years and now it suddenly appears in our shop. How could this happen? Well, ...
View full detailsThe most powerful of all black magicians has many different names, most of which are only there to disguise his real identity. Tom Marvolo Riddle, ...
View full detailsAlthough she is an excellent postwoman, the snowy owl Hedwig is not only a useful animal for Harry, but also something of a friend. During the long...
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